Sonntag, 28. März 2010

Enslaving of our Brothers, of Our Kind

It is no longer possible for me to watch fellow friends, relatives and close companions of mine to suffer from ever growing greed that was laid upon us all, from those we do the slavish work for.

While 'slave' seems to sound historic to you, I am in no doubt, you are reading this very message of mine from your workspace, where you still have to make it through the day, in a dirty office or factory instead of a sunshine and nature, being limited by where and how you can walk or move, or even think, in most cases; or you are reading it in your after work hours, in the bitterness of having to spend eight hours a day for the pay of nothing, knowing, someone else is going to make living on you.

It is not your fault.

While our understanding of capitalism is seldom critical, and if, only sometimes, as I have and as have the member of my party unmistakably noticed, we do anything about it, the highest of which is a verbal complaint. And while we think, the constancy is there, it isn't. The capitalism is not stable, because it is a progress, determined by a higher profit whenever possible, until there is zero investment followed by huge profits - this is where it is spoken about slavery and wars.

Look at it like at a formula. The lower the investment costs and the higher the profits, it moves towards slavery and dictatorship. The higher the investments and the lower the profit, communism picks up. While neither extremes are good, it is important to know, that for all of us the best is the middle, the balance, which is slowly fading away from us, but not something we cannot change.

Many things changed in the last twenty years. Workers did not use to be slaves back then. They were treated as people, very human. Today, things are different. Many of them are hungrier than ever. You are not doing good, but there are people in a worse situation than you, like my father. Sometimes working on Sundays and always Saturdays, he is not given a stable employment - after six years working for the same organization - illegal in Germany, but as of our research, done in every possible factory. He is ordered to work 15 minutes less a day, which exploits another German law. He is treated worse than my pet. And what he is paid, is barely enough to keep him alive. And he is not the only and not the last example. The whole world suffers. We suffer.

For the last two years spent in the USA, I have not noticed any difference from Europe - the power is being taken away from people. It is getting worse for you and for the ones you love. It is time, to get it back. It is time to prove that were are not told what to do by anyone, but by ourselves.

Your only responsibility is your freedom. Do not lose that one! Be aware, that every second we can fall back to the times of slavery, out of which we have already tried to befree ourselves for thousands of years with a success that is now being forgotten by ones and abused by the others.

Individualization, that is forced upon us, takes all our power, the power to unite, and makes us vulnerable. Even the internet is now being taken away slowly, through the fragmentation of it into smaller networks, driven by advertisers in order to group us into small, controllable units, with specific needs for products.

And while we were able to overthrow governments only a century ago, today, together with our weakness that was forced on us we are not even an inch away from being enslaved into a condition, that is so far from the freedom and joy of our already short valuable lives, that, once enslaved, we will need another two thousand years to reach the condition of our desires, of fairness, of freedom.

I did an impressive amount of research and study about the current situation in the world. European Union was created to enslave most of the countries that are in it. With the unified currency Euro , the little countries, Greece as an example, will never be able to return the credits, as they are without the luxury to control the inflation of their own currency. People are the ones that suffer. With Global Warming and with Swine and Bird Flus, combined with more powerful mass media today, it has never been easier to fool billions of people into spending money on something they don't need. A tragedy.

While a strong Nation is a healthy thing, our nations have never been weaker before! The idea of nationalism is destroyed by media, but in the core, a nation is nothing else but a soccer team, a group of individuals with a certain goal. Yet, a nation today is almost illegal. How sad. But repairable.

I will address each of the topics later and in more understandable and detailed way, but the pain it causes to me to see people being controlled like a flock of sheep does not let me stop the started.

Together, we can reach the full height of freedom, that has only been an idea until today, and embrace life with all its sweetness and pleasure.

Johnvy Welsh